Levlen Ethinyl estradiol / Levonorgestrel Levlen is a hormonal oral contraception medication, it prevents ovulation and pregnancy. -
Ovral Ethinyl estradiol / Norgestrel Ovral is combination of hormones used as a contraception medication. -
Mircette Desogestrel / Ethinyl estradiol Mircette is a combination of female hormones used to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. -
Duphaston Dydrogesterone Duphaston is a synthetic hormone applied in treatment of secondary amenorrhoea, dysfunctional ... -
Plan B Levonorgestrel Levonorgestrel is a hormone used to prevent pregnancy. It is taken just after the ... -
Yasmin Drospirenone / Ethinyl Estradiol 3mg/0.03mg Yasmin is a hormonal formulation used to as a contraception drug to prevent pregnancy. -
Farya, Sacramento
Jeg har modtaget mine piller i dag. Mange tak for jeres ærlighed. Fra nu af, vil jeg ikke kun vil være en permanent kunde, men også vil helt sikkert henvise jer til venner, ...
"Jeg tager 20 mg Cialis pille, og det virker som forventet, men efter samleje føler jeg nogle gange muskelsmerter i ryggen og træthed. Jeg ved ikke, om det er fordi jeg ...
Peter, Wien
Jeg har prøvet Viagra og Cialis før og må sige, at Levitra forårsager færre bivirkninger. Jeg havde frygtelig hovedpine med Viagra, som gjorde sex umulig til tider. Med Levitra ...
Scientists are mapping out the 37 trillion cells of the human body and changing what we thought we knew
Sodium oxybate can offer temporary relief, in a similar way to drinking alcohol, a trial suggests.
The health secretary says fears over physician associates need looking at, but laments nature of debate.
BBC Scotland's political editor was diagnosed with an incurable cancer after having a seizure.